AvĂł Rouge

Empowering Women Through Body Literacy


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By sharing our message with your community, you'll be helping to create a ripple effect of positive change in women's lives while earning income for your efforts.

You'll be part of a movement that empowers, supports, and educates women about fertility, hormonal birth control, endocrine system disruptors, and how to ease period pain, mom guilt, and stress.

The cost for attendees to purchase lifetime access to the summit is $69. Affiliates will receive 50% commission, paid monthly, if a purchase is made by first clicking on the affiliate's unique link. Links will be active for 90 days.

Apply to be an affiliate here!

Guest Speaker Interviews are now complete. If you are interested in being featured as a guest expert next year, please email me for more information at [email protected].


Swipe Files

I provide all promotional copy and graphics necessary for speakers and affiliates.

Email me at kristy@avorouge for access to the swipe files. 

If I have already granted you access, you should be able to access the files by clicking the link below.

Access Swipe Files Here